Welcome to Cayman Dynamics
VEHICLE DYNAMICS DEVELOPMENT | TESTING |ANALYSIS | TRAINING – Cayman Dynamics, LLC provides vehicle dynamics expertise to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers, aftermarket suppliers and other companies in the transportation industry. This expertise includes complete vehicle and component development, on-road and laboratory objective testing, analysis using parametric and multi-body simulation tools and comprehensive vehicle dynamics training programs tailored to the individual needs of your company. Our personnel have extensive experience working with many international OEMs and industry-leading suppliers. We conduct all aspects of our business with the highest degree of professionalism ensuring the confidentiality of your project.
Latest News

Commercial Vehicles
August 18, 2022
Commercial trucks are the backbone of North American industry whether it be a last-mile delivery van, tradesman work truck or class 8 long haul tractor/trailer.

New Drivers
May 23, 2022
(Originally published in Automotive Testing and Technology International, Summer 2020) It comes as a surprise to many foreign visitors to the US that we have

UM – Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
February 2, 2022
The University of Michigan Integrative Systems + Design graduate school engineering program now offers a new Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics course (AUTO599) co-taught by John